$iPgMTime) $iPgMTime=$iPgMenuMTime; $arrReqHeaders=0; if (function_exists("apache_request_headers")) $arrReqHeaders=@apache_request_headers(); if (is_array($arrReqHeaders)&&isset($arrReqHeaders['If-Modified-Since'])) { $sReqTime=$arrReqHeaders['If-Modified-Since']; $iReqTime=strtotime($sReqTime); if ($iReqTime!==false && $iReqTime!==-1 && $iReqTime>$iPgMTime) { header('HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified', true, 304); exit("\r\n\r\n"); } } ?> var sImgSrc=\"/".WD_MAIN_REPRES_REQS."/wdvstrlog.php?sid=".(isset($_SESSION['wd_visitor_sid'])?$_SESSION['wd_visitor_sid']:'-')."&srv[uri]=".(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])?rawurlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']):'-')."&srv[rfr]=".(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])?rawurlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']):'-')."&srv[rqmthd]=".(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])?$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']:'-')."&\"+wd_ClientInfoStr()+\"&ext=.png\";var theImg=new Image(); theImg.src=sImgSrc;":"")?> Peach State Commercial Upholstery, reupholstering in Georgia
About Us

Peach State Commercial Upholstery

Welcome to Peach State Commercial Upholstery!
We are proud to be serving Georgia with top quality commercial vinyl re-upholstery. Many businesses, restaurants, boats, salons, and hospitals use vinyl.

They choose vinyl because it is comfortable for the client. It is easy to clean, and fast to repair and replace. Some are even flame resistant. We know, however, that all good things wear down with time due to high traffic, sun exposure, being under stress, cleaning chemicals, and so forth.

Do you have rips, tears, or cracks in your vinyl booths or chairs? No Problem! There is no need to buy a new booth or cushion. Peach State is a vinyl re-upholstery, remove and repair specialist. We help keep you looking good!

Peach State offers free estimates. We can match any color you need. Our preferred vinyl brand is Naugahyde , which will give you the best value for your money. But if you have a certain brand or a specific pattern that your company requires, we can most likely get it for you.